Emilys Wedding Boutique

by Hugs N Hearts



Design the dream wedding dress as you want and to be the most beautiful bride!

Rebecca, Angela, Annabelle & Martha finally will walk the aisle into the marriage, they want to impress everyone in the day. But how? Nobody wants to wear the same as others. So Lets help them. Give them a shinning & glamorous wedding. Lets Start.-Be the professional wedding dress designer-Make the unique bridal dress with sewing machine, scissors, measuring tape etc-You can have all services in Emilys wedding boutique:Bath,Spa,Makeup,dressup and more.-To be the best window dresser in the city, help Emily decorate windows before the shop opens.-Oh! Dont forget to photo this precious time with your handsome groom...Download and play for FREE!See you in HEATS&HUGS Emilys Wedding Boutique...Product Features:-Design and customize bridal wedding dress for the big day-Start to make your own bridal dress with tons of tools-Lead the beautiful bride to do a relaxing bath & spa-Makeup brides to be most beautiful lady in the big day-Dress up the bride in a gorgeous gown and stylish jewelry for the big day-Dont forget to record the precious moment by a photo-Decorate the window display to attack more ladiesAnd so much more! Come on and join us to help our beautiful brides.Wanna have more fun? We would love to hear from you!Find us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/hugsNheartsGamesOr on Twitter at https://twitter.com/Hug_n_HeartsFor more information about Hugs N Hearts, please visit https://www.hugsnhearts.com/Bug fixed.

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I love this game😍😊

Aira Anquilo

Emily s wedding Boutique POST

Saba Aslam

i love it 😍😍

Lerah jane Pura


ella mae delacaruz

This is still a game dang I had it on my tablet from when I was like 8

Dawn Burkhert

Know Karla

Karla Hines

Think you

Gift Monday

Know Karla

Karla Hines



انا بموت في اللعبه دي اوووي كان نفسي العبها من زمان اووي شكرا ليكوو

Rahma Tarek